Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The St Valentine's Day Massacre - Bertie Style

Dear Everyone,
On Thursday, our esteemed leader Mr Bartholomew Ahern will go to the courts to stop a tribunal from hearing evidence on his past descrepancies.
It's hard to imagine a greater admission of guilt than that. Cardinal Connell was widely attacked, and rightly so for trying to stop an investigation on the way the hierarchy of the Catholic church dealt with abuse claims. Yet, when the issue of Bertie's attempts to effectively gag the tribunal came on the six one news last night, the Bean an Tí said: "Wouldn't ya think they'd leave poor Bertie alone. It's clear the man is innocent." Yes. "As innocent as Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson," I thought to myself but thought better of saying it in case the cup of tea that was nourishing me would be taken from me and I would then be turfed out onto the cold road (It was a lovely warm day yesterday but the lack of cloud cover meant a cold night last night.)
It's astounding to think that this man has survived this long (politically I mean, because in life snakes and weasels have a long life expectancy). He has gradually stripped away civil liberties for ordinary people while building up huge walls of rights around himself. Mark my words. #if and when it becomes more apparent that the money Bertie got from a few businessmen is the tip of a very large iceberg, that tribunal will die a sorry death. I am of the firm belief that the death of Liam Lawlor was no accident. He had something hanging over
bertie that was huge. Where better for a man to have an accident than in a country where the cops are nearly as easy to buy as the ones here? I guess that a few people with skeletons in closets better be careful lest they should become one themselves.
with love,
your Valentine

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