Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bertie Ahern - Moron?

Yesterday (Wednesday) saw Bertie Ahern make some of the craziest comments of his somehow long lived life in politics.
Not content with being the most illiterate politician of all time who cannot say relatively long words, let alone spell them, Bertie has gone on to confuse metaphors and simple enough phrases to the point where no one can understand him. This, however may just be a clever ploy to confuse people, thereby getting people off his back. I am inclined to believe though that Bertie Ahern is not smart enough to do this, rather that he has a neck on him that a guillotine would not dispose of. Least we forget, here's an extract of yesterday's speech:
"It is not correct, and if I said so, I was not correct -- I cannot recall if I said it, but I did not say, or if I did, I did not mean to say it -- that these issues could not be dealt with until the end of the Mahon Tribunal. That is not what Revenue said. It said that it was part of the normal process of dealing with these issues."
Nuff said, Moron

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