Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More fo the same

The job losses in Arklow, as announced by Allergan this morning comes, ironically as the Dáil returns for its next session before the Easter break. They will work for a whole 20 days (Easter is early this year but it's not on the 27th of February). Fianna Fáil has been much lauded in Ireland for making our economy great. However, it has to be noted that we have lost far more than we have gained in the last twenty or so years.

Ireland is, at present, faced with a vote for a new European constitution. Now, let's not be embarassed into voting yes for these guys. If anyone thinks that Europe has made us into the economy that we are today, they are much mistaken. Ireland has given away more in fishing rights to other EU countries than it has ever got back in structural funds or grants.

Furthermore, have you seen the state of the roads in Ireland?
plodding along behind a lorry doing 30MPH (or 50KM/H) because you can't overtake on a national primary road because it's just about wide enough to facilitate the driving of two narrow motorbikes when BANG! you hit a pothole, which in fairness is more like a communal swimming pool of some sort. You didn't see it because said lorry was blocking your view. Meantime, you're shelling out almost as much as your road tax cost because your new alloy wheel with a pirelli tyre is in keeping with the rest of your expensive new car. Next time i'll take the bus. Oh, but hold on, I can't. Why? Because the only form of public transport in my area is a bus that leaves for our fair capital at 9am and returns for something like 8pm. All very good and well but i'll be damned if i'm travelling some 700km to get a loaf of bread from the next village.

Now, let's move on somewhat, this rant is getting very bitter. Let's focus on the fact that our health system is one of the greatest jokes in the world. Pathetic resources, implemented by some faceless fat cats making twice as much, at least, than the nurses and doctors on the ground. And then, when these people ask for a pay rise, they're told that it's not within their pay structure. What the F**k?

Now, there's a simple solution to all this that no-one seems to either notice or care about.
Off our coast is enough oil and gas to make us possibly the richest country in the world. The Corrib gas field has been given away to Shell et al for nothing. NADA! At least €50 billion euro worth of gas, given away for nothing. the amount it costs shell to drill for it, build their refinery and pipe it into the national grid can be completely written off against tax. Then it will be sold to us eejits at full market price. What a f**king joke. Consider it like this: You have a field that is full of gold. You give it away for free. Then you pay the person you gave it to to harvest the gold. And finally, you pay them for the harvested gold.
Who is responsible for this? Our very own Taoiseach, Mr. Bertie Ahern. When he was minister for finance in 1992. (and probably every year since while lining the pockets of his yellow suits.

Furthermore, last year, the department of marine and natural resources last year gave drilling rights away, again for free, for a further area of the west coast. Now this is not like the Corrib field. It's even bigger. By the department's own accounts, it contains 10 billion barrels of oil. now by a conservative estimate, that's worth 900 billion dollars or €607 billion. yes 607 BILLION euro. Enough to finance all the transport, health and every other need in this country.
In the words of that sagely granny in Catherine Tate - What a F**king liberty.

Now, some time ago someone mentioned in this country that the cost of living was very expensive. Our great leader replied that "we can't have Swiss wages and Spanish prices." Maybe then, we can have the health and transport system of the Swiss or indeed the Spanish.

Anyway, I'll be back soon with more things to give out about. If you would like your issues raised then please, drop me a line and i'll be glad to get back to you.
Thanks for reading.
Now get back to work,
The unemployed, immigrants and single mothers need you paying taxes so that they can live for free in this country while you slave to pay for your semi-d mortgage.

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