Enda, in his attempts to chase with the hounds has most definitely savaged the hares he purports to represents. The same stupid hares who put him and his cronies into power.
The only ones who have any right to be angry about what Enda said are those who didn't vote for Fine Gael, Labour, Fine Fáil, Greens or PDs. Thankfully, I can afford to be sanctimonious at this time.
Enda decided to turn on the idiots who voted him in this week. He thought it appropriate to turn on people who thought that his party would make the difference that was needed in Ireland. These people who write letters to papers saying that Irish people have long memories and FF got what they deserved.
These people have also forgotten what FG did when they were in opposition. Anyone recall FG finance ministers castigating the government of the day when they didn't spend enough in their budgets?
Of course you don't. Because you're an idiot.
What is more frightening about this whole sorry saga is the number of media commentators backing up Enda's statement.
The times and that red top masquerading as a quality newspaper, the indo have rolled out their big guns to say he was right.
It is in their interest to do so as they represent the upper class who really drove the country to ruin.
I hope that the Irish people can somehow see this.
I don't hold out much hope,